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The aim of this session is to provide early career epidemiological researchers the opportunity to discuss methodological issues with experienced epidemiologists/biostatisticians in a workshop style format.​


The Early Career Researcher Workshop allows an early career researcher to make a presentation that highlights a methodological issue or problem that has arisen in their research. In response, they will receive advice from a discussant, and from experienced epidemiologists/biostatisticians in the audience, on how it might be solved. This workshop is not designed to be a forum for presentation of final results, but a collegial discussion about overcoming a methodological issue.


The discussant will be invited by the AEA organising committee. They will be an expert in the methodological area proposed by the successful abstract.


For this workshop, an early career researcher is defined as a student currently enrolled in, or a graduate in the past five years of a postgraduate program in epidemiology, biostatistics or a related discipline (with proof of eligibility required). Career interruptions will be taken into account.


Early career researchers who would like to be considered to present in this workshop must provide an extended abstract (500 words) using the Early Career Researcher Workshop Template and, during the abstract submission process, nominate that they wish to be considered for the early career workshop.


Successful applicant(s) will be chosen on merit based on review of their abstract for which they will be the presenting author. Successful applicant(s) must engage in dialogue with their discussant prior to the congress.


Because some applications may be unsuccessful, applicants should consider submitting additionally an abstract for another form of presentation.




ECR workshop EOI's closed on 25 February 2025.

Further Assistance


For additional assistance, please contact the PHAA Events Team.
Event Secretariat






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